Facial Therapy
Course fee:
R6000 includes kit fee and learning manual.
Theory & application on client consultation, contraindications, cleansing, toning, mask application, exfoliation, steaming, skin analysis, facial massage, moisturizing, skin anatomy, muscles & bones of the face, ingredients in products, facial sequence, health & safety.
Course Structure:
Day 1: Introduction to learners, case study info, towel info, kit lists. Theory on structure & pathology of the skin. Theory on skin analysis & Facial treatment products.
Day 2: Demo on eye & lip make-up removal, double cleansing, toning and skin analysis. Learners to practice on a model (Leaner to bring in model).
Day 3: Demo on Steaming (electrical facial steamer and hot compress), exfoliation & facial massage. Learners to practice on a model (Leaner to bring in model).
Day 4: Demo on Mask application & removal and moisturising. Learners to practice on a model (Leaner to bring in model).
Day 5: Learners to perform Full Facial Therapy Treatment on a model 1 (Leaner to bring in model).
Day 6: Learners to perform Full Facial Therapy Treatment on a model 2 & 3 (Leaner to bring in 2 models).
Day 7: ASSESSMENT: Facial Therapy Summative Theory & Practical Assessment (Leaner to bring in model).
Application Form